Wednesday, May 27, 2009

benang basah nak tegak.

Beberapa kebenaran yang dipesongkan:

"I was told during the sports day, the school requested almost RM4,000 from PIBG to pay for the teachers' and guest' food. A staggering RM40 per person, assuming it involved a total of 100 teachers and guests. And yet, the athletes were only given a 10 sen certificate. Fish for the teachers and bone for the students."

Pihak sekolah hanya meminta wang sebanyak RM1330 untuk makanan iaitu RM5 untuk seorang guru/tetamu.Makan tengahari di kantin pun RM3.50,jadi tidak salah rasanya jika makanan RM5 seorang pada hari guru.Lagipun, makanan bertahan sekejap sahaja, akhirnya keluar menjadi tahi juga.Tetapi, jika dibandingkan dengan sijil 10 sen,sijil itu lebih bermakna dan boleh digunakan untuk masa depan pelajar.

"Where has all the money gone!? If what was reported is true then it's the sad thing to happen to the school. Healthy mind, healthy body. But this does not seemed to be the motto to the present STAR teachers anymore.Surprised? I am not. Looking at the photographs, almost 3/4 of them are lady teachers. Sports is the last thing on their mind. Gone were the days when chosen to represent the school be it in rugby, football or even volleyball were the hallmark of our stay in Tiger Lane. Seriously man, we must do something about it. We must bring back the glorious days of sports and studies to the school."

Aduhai, 3/4 guru ialah perempuan.Apa masalahnya?!dah memang dunia sekarang ni perempuan lebih banyak daripada lelaki.Biasalah,dunia nak kiamat.xkan x perasan lagi kot.

"perhaps the teachers need to evaluate the current problems of our beloved a new generation of STAROBA (1998-2002), I feel ashamed as the school has deteriorate to level below elite school..the main problem among the students is the lost of spirit as STARians..1)death of beloved tradition (no cheers for juniors, which seems the cheers are not compulsory, moreover, lead by seniors which juz know a few songs, 4-5 s0ngs (I'd seen it during STAROBA weekend 08, worst cheer i've ever seen in my life especially for STARians) and Rouse Up's tune has been changed, seems the song lost its spirit 2)death of seniority (juniors can do whatever they like ie cross STAROBA square, sit at lot10 etc, which the tradition seems cruel but it teach STARians how 2 respect seniors and become a better person) 3)death of house system (during my time, house system was still active and can be seen actively during sports day, where all the students in respective houses came together to build "khemah" and cheers for the housemate who compete 4 their house, btw, I'm in White House) 5)death gotong-royong clean-up the house and improve the blocks(STAROBA weekend 08, I brought my friend and become tour guide 4 her, she condemned all the facilities at the school, and I admit it, it became worst compared during my time, perhaps teachers forgot the money given 2 them, "songlap" 4 personal usage???hopefully not)..i'm not totally blaming the teachers for failing to control the situation at the school, but they play a vital role in the school coz student look-up at them as their parent..teachers might argue they have no responsibility to the students but as teachers in SBP, they should have social responsibility towards them..enough about that"

kematian seniority?skrg mmg lah xde.siapa jugak yang blasah budak smpi 20 org klua dlu?kalau x,seniority tu masih ada skrg.kematian semangat rumah?haihhh.skrg ni semangat tu lagi kuat dri dlu.para pelajar msih buat khemah sama2,sokong house sendiri.pelik betul fakta ni.gotong-royong?dah brapa banyak gotong royong tahun ni skola 'songlap'?MENIPU.padahal, guru-guru jugak yang banyak biaya pelajar.pakai duit sendiri dan x pernah claim.

"6. Death of makan berhidang(tray system now rules), 7. Rising influence of Pusat Islam (in my time there is no Pusat Islam...),We must first understand and respect these junior STAROBA's aspiration for the school. As much as I want to deny the location of the new Green House (outcasted in Southern Half...), I must respect the emotional attachment of those new Greenians living there now and those that has been living there for the last 10 years at least."

Makan berhidang masih ada lagi sekarang!kaji betul2 sebelum tulis komen tuu.kebangkitan pengaruh BADAN PELAJAR ISLAM?dah kita orang Islam,mestilah ikut cara Islam,xkn nak ikut gaya liberal Barat tuu.patutlah lahir orang2 yang x knang budi sbb dlu xde Pusat Islam.lokasi green?apa masalahnya?cuma blok bangunan sahaja yang bertukar.pelajar x bising,yang dah keluar,dah mewah nak bising lagi.

"Apa yang berlaku di STAR sangat memalukan.Lihat sahaja prestasi SPM yang baru-baru ini yang mana STAR berada di ranking 50 daripada 54 SBP di seluruh Malaysia. Ini menunjukkan ketidaksungguhan tenaga pengajar yang berada di STAR. Jika sesuatu tidak dilakukan tidak mustahil STAR boleh berada di tangga tercorot....fikir-fikirkan..."

tu la,da keluar masih nak menyibuk.cuba kaji betul2.cikgu2 dah buat macam2,pelajar yang malas.sebab tu akademik merosot.cuba tanya pelajar,brapa bnyk bengkel yang diadakan?brapa tan modul yang diberi?guru-guru dah berusaha,cuma pelajar sahaja yang bermasalah.
"Guru dah buka pintu.. Cume tinggal pelajar je nak masuk ke x.."

"For example, the hall parquet is badly maintained - from the look of it, it must have been last polished 20 years ago. To think thats the place where I did my "solah jemaah" years ago made me feel terribly upset. It was dirty, dusty, unpolished and look like a floor from a shantytown bordello. Why couldn't the school spend less than RM1,000 to have the floor grinded and polished is beyond my explanation?
tentang kemudahan pula sudah terang lagi bersuluh,kemudahan yang disediakan amatlah menyedihkan..kita lihat pada perkara asas iaitu tandas..tandas di STAR setaraf dengan tandas di setinggan pekerja kontrak sahaja.sikap guru yang berpuak-puak betul2 menghancurkan sekolah."

dewan?dah dipijak mmg la camtu.kalau dulu jadi tempat sembahyang,mmglah bersih.skrg dah ada masjid kat TC.cuba bandingkan parquet dewan dengan lantai masjid,memanglah BEZA.tandas?tandas STAR adalah antara yang terbaik.jika kita lihat SBP lain,banyak yang lebih teruk dari STAR.Lagipun ada tandas yang dah ditukar baru.rasanya komen ni dah out of date.para pelajar x merungut pun.


  1. Menegur memang boleh, tapi saya harap dengan cara yang lebih berhemah. Tak perlulah sehingga menyuruh mereka yang lebih tua "Pergi duk diam2 je kat rumah tu.Menyibuk". Bekas pelajar bukan menyibuk cuma rasa sayang terhadap STAR, itu sahaja.

  2. hmm....
    STAR Da trblk
    kalo starian bce blog cmnie, xtau la pe prsaan diorg.
    sedey sgt... :(

  3. First of all, I'm new gen of STAROBA (9802), the one u had counter my point...who da hell is u???not man enough to reveal urself???1st of all, it's merely my opinion...I'm not bashing the way, I'm proud being former STARians and my pride towards STAR never ever deteriorate...I would like to counter ur point which against me...

    "kematian seniority?skrg mmg lah xde.siapa jugak yang blasah budak smpi 20org klua dlu?"

    haiyaa...if u a teacher at STAR(perhaps new, no disrespect to u),please check ur facts first b4 u say anything...(it's not entirely true, I was there)...

    "gotong-royong?da brapa banyak gotong-royong tahun ni skola buat"

    haiyaa...again...let me quote what I had wrote b4..."death of gotong-royong, clean up the house and improve the blocks" juz merely my xpaham ENGLISH...let me explain again...BERSIHKAN BLOK2 HOUSE...klo x, xdela blok2 sume kotor, toilet, railing, dorm, so ni sume juz saye punya ASSUMPTION...everybody would have early assumption b4 know da

    "guru-guru 'songlap'?MENIPU....."

    haiyaa...another foolish word from u...let me quote from my comment again..."...perhaps teachers forgot the money given 2 them,"songlap" 4 personal usage???hopefully not"...don't u ever understand ENGLISH???cmon...itu hanya PANDANGAN SAYA tanpa menunjuk kepada sesiapa...pepatah Melayu sesuai untuk anda, "siapa yang makan cili, dia yg terasa pedas", don't say that I'm a LIAR...if not, the facilities at STAR should be improve or well maintain..."PREVENT IS BETTER THAN CURE"...I'll translate it 4 u..."MENCEGAH ADALAH LEBIH BAIK DARI MENGUBATINYA"...(hopefully, my translate would help u in future"...


  4. dah 5 thun kuar star...ape kemajuan star???
